Call for Papers

The International Conference on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Communication and Electronic Systems (RAICE 2025) invites researchers, professionals, and academicians to contribute to the exploration of cutting-edge developments in diverse tracks encompassing Artificial Intelligence, Communication Technologies, and Electronic Systems. This conference serves as a dynamic platform to foster the exchange of ideas, drive innovation, and shape the future of technology. We welcome submissions that delve into the following tracks but are not limited to :

Track 1: Computational Intelligence

  • Machine Learning and its Applications

  • Deep learning and Artificial Neural Networks

  • Reinforcement learning and its Applications

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Explainable AI and Ethical AI

  • Data science and Predictive Models

  • Big Data Analysis for Cloud

Track 2: Communication Technologies and Networking

  • Wireless Communication and Networks

  • Smart Antennas

  • Network Security and Privacy

  • Optical Communication and Networks

  • Sensor Networks

  • Signal Processing 

Track 3: IoT and Embedded Systems, EdgeAI for Industry Applications

  • IoT architectures and protocols

  • Embedded systems for AI applications

  • EdgeAI

Track 4: Integrated Circuits and Systems, MEMS Technology

  • System-on-Chip design and integration

  • VLSI design methodologies

  • High-performance computing architectures

  • Low Power VLSI Design

  • Nanoelectronics and quantum devices

  • Novel materials for electronic systems

  • MEMS and its applications

Track 5: Multi-Disciplinary Applications and Future Approach Towards Sustainability

  • Optimization, Mathematical Modeling and Techniques

  • AI in Communication Systems

  • Intelligent Electronics Systems

  • Biologically Inspired Electronic Systems

  • Future Visions in AI

  • Sustainable Intelligent Systems

  • AI in Environmental Sustainability and Management

  • AI Solutions in Industry 4.0 and Sustainability

  • Remote Sensing and GIS applications Techniques and Solutions for Smart Cities, Climate/Environment, Health, and other area