Paper Submission Guidelines
- Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to the conference.
- The conference is using Microsoft CMT for conference management; therefore, the authors will need to register their email with this conference management tool for submitting papers. Author can log into CMT site at:
- Choose to submit your manuscript as a single PDF file to be used in the refereeing process. Only when your paper is at accepted, you will be requested to put your paper in to a ‘correct format’ and provide the items required for the publication of your article.
- One author must be designated as the corresponding author with E-mail address, contact details and postal address.
- Ensure that the following items are present in the Manuscript:
- Keywords
• All figures (include relevant captions)
• All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
• Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
- Further considerations
- Manuscript has been ‘spell checked’ and ‘grammar checked.’
- All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa.
- Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)
- The decision regarding the acceptance of a paper is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee based on novelty, plagiarism, review etc.
- Accepted, registered, and presented papers will be submitted for publication.
Plagiarism Policy
- The paper prior to submission should be checked for plagiarism using licensed plagiarism software Turnitin. The similarity content should not exceed 20%.
- Any form of self-plagiarism or plagiarism from others’ work(s) should not be there in the Manuscript.