Circuits & Systems Lab


Subject Code- EEC 254


This laboratory will enable the undergraduate students to learn the basic concepts and techniques in circuits and systems. The experiments are designed to expose students to the practical executions of the fundamental theories of Electrical Engineering.  The course is intended to enhance the students’ understanding of important analytical principles by engaging them in the real-world application of these principles in the laboratory.  An equally important purpose of the course is to further develop the students’ laboratory practice for experimentally testing and evaluating electrical circuits and systems.

Objective of the Laboratory

  • To impart the knowledge of various signal and system.
  • To understand modelling of circuit.
  • To impart knowledge of theorems in AC circuit.
  • To impart knowledge of two port network and transfer function.


Software: Matlab


Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Gargi Mishra

Other Faculty Users: Mr. Rajat Gupta

Lab Technician: Mrs. Yashoda Rani