Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) is to motivate the students and make them as a best Entrepreneur by conducting entrepreneurship awareness among students, self – employment awareness, motivates students to make their own career path and create awareness of self – financing schemes offered by various agencies. 

Entrepreneurship Development Cell regularly conducts many activities to improve the student knowledge in recent trends such as to 

  • Organize entrepreneurship webinars for science and technological students. 
  • Conduct ED programmes and events for students and faculty members.
  • Arrange lectures of eminent resource persons from MSME, DST and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Provide training & retraining of entrepreneurs through variety of programmes. 
  • Arrange industrial visits. 
  • Help the students in preparing and writing business plans, project proposals and project reports.

Objective: Entrepreneurship Development Cell was founded in 2013 with a view to encouraging students of BVCOE to explore self-employment as a career option. EDC also provides training in Entrepreneurship through modular courses. It is committed to entrepreneurship education, training, and research. EDC strives to provide innovative training techniques, competent faculty support, consultancy, and quality teaching & training material. The mission of the EDC is to promote Entrepreneurship, help students attain Start-up success, find the right mentoring from Industry, and train them to approach Investors. “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” 

Annual Goals of Student’s Chapter:

  1. To create a mind-set among the students to be job creators. To provide the knowledge about how to run a business.
  2. Make students believe that they can become financially independent at a young age.
  3. Emphasis on Personality Development.
  4. Enhancing technical skills.
  5. Providing financial knowledge.
  6. Enhancing analytical, interpersonal, decision making and creative skills.


EDC TechFi focuses on providing financial literacy among students. TechFi’s view is to aware students of the commendable combination of technology and finance and its scope in the upcoming years. With a concept of “Grow Money from Money”, TechFi has hosted many events on investment strategies for students as well as corporate employees, stock market, mutual funds and many more.

Chapter Head (Faculty Name): Dr. Arvind Rehalia

Chapter members (Students Core Team):

Chairperson : Pallak Khullar

Vice Chaiperson : Manas Pandey

General Seceratory : Aman Raghav


1. DVD (Dhandha Vigyan Doremon)


3. Sales and Marketing Strategy Workshop

4. Startup Mentoring Session

Chapter Head (Faculty Name): Dr. Rubeena Vohra

Chapter members (Students Core Team): Anushka Goyal (Chairperson)

                                                                        Aryan Chopra (Vice Chairperson)

                                                                        Kavya Rastogi (TechFi Chairperson)

                                                                        Prachi Bisht (TechFi Vice Chairperson)

                                                                        Mridul Bajaj (General Secretary)

                                                                        Manshapreet Kaur (TechFi General Secretary)

                                                                        Dhananjay Singh (Treasurer)

No. of students registered in society: 57

Objectives: Entrepreneurship Development Cell was founded in 2013 to encourage students of BVCOE to explore self-employment as a career option. EDC also provides training in Entrepreneurship through modular courses. It is committed to entrepreneurship education, training, and research. EDC strives to provide innovative training techniques, competent faculty support, consultancy, and quality teaching & training material. The mission of the EDC is to promote Entrepreneurship, help students attain Start-up success, find the right mentoring from Industry, and train them to approach Investors. “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.”

 Annual Goals of Student’s Chapter

  1. Creating a mindset of job creators among students and providing knowledge about how to run a business.
  2. Personality development.
  3. Enhancing analytical, interpersonal, decision-making, and creative skills.
  4. Providing financial knowledge.
  5. Enhancing technical skills.
  6. Make students believe that they can become financially independent at a young age.

Procedural Activities Details: 

S.No Activity Guest Information* Attendance* Notice Attached


Sponsorship Details * Mapping with concerned Goal Report attached (Y/N) *
1. Entrepreneurs


Mr.Devan Bhalla

(Marketer and Brand Builder)

28 Y N/A 3 Y
2. Funtrepreneurship N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Y
3. Dalal Street 2.0

Day 1: Treasure Hunt

Day 2: Bid-2-Buy

N/A Day 1:-140

Day 2:- 40


Y N/A 2 Y


Chapter Head (Faculty Name): Dr. Rubeena Vohra

 Chapter members (Students Core Team):

  • Shivam Kapur (Chairperson, EDC)
  • Diksha Joshi (Vice Chairperson, EDC)
  • Vaibhav Sharma(Chairperson, EDC TechFi)
  • Arvind Sharma (Vice Chairperson, EDC TechFi)
  • Pratyaksh Mahajan (General Secretary, EDC)
  • Sanchit Kakar (Treasurer, EDC)
  • Dhruv Kamshetty (General Secretary, EDC TechFi)


S.No Activity and Date of Conduct
1. Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme
2. Dalal Street


Investor’s Bootcamp

Industrial Visit

5. EDC Talks 2.0
6. AdSplash
7. Dhanda 101
8. Hustlers
10. StockNivesh
11. Entreprenow 23’


Chapter Head (Faculty Name): Dr. Rubeena Vohra

Chapter members (Students Core Team):         

  • Uday Jain (Chairperson, EDC)
  • Aditi Sharma (Vice Chairperson, EDC)                 
  • Piyush Pant (Chairperson, EDC TechFi)
  • Deepanshu Sunwal (Vice Chairperson, EDC TechFi)
  • Muskaan Lakhina (Joint Secretary, EDC)
  • Aastha Suri (Treasurer, EDC)
  • Alnoor Parveen (General Secretary, EDC TechFi)


S.No Activity and Date of Conduct
1. Ace Your Place
2. Crack The Cat
3. Crypto Crest
4. Stock Nivesh 2.0
5. EDC Talks
6. World Economic Forum
7. Entreprenow’22


Chapter Head (Faculty Name): Dr. Rubeena Vohra 

Chapter members (Students Core Team):

  • Sarthak Sethi (Chairperson, EDC)
  • Prerna Arya (Vice Chairperson, EDC)     
  • Akshat Jain (Chairperson, EDC TechFi)
  • Deepanshu Sunwal (Joint Secretary, EDC TechFi)
  • Mayank Jindal (Joint Secretary, EDC TechFi)


S.No Activity and Date of Conduct
1. Crack That Interview
2. StockNivesh
3. Learn to Earn
4. Competitive Coding Workshop
5. Women in Entrepreneurship
6. Inflation 101
7. Personal Finance
8. Welcome Session
9. Programme by MSME
10. How to make a business model canvas
11. Industrial Motivation Campaign for Youth
12. CAT 2021 Stratergy
13. Business Blueprint
14. Entreprenow’21

  PHOTO GALLERY: 2020-21

Chapter Head (Faculty Name): Ms. Gunjeet Kaur & Dr. Rubeena Vohra 

Chapter members (Students Core Team):

  • Ribhav Batra (Chairperson, EDC)
  • Kshitij Gupta (Vice Chairperson, EDC)
  • Vaibhav Tayal (Treasurer, EDC)


S.No Activity and Date of Conduct
1. Kick Start Workshop
2. Entrepreneurs ip Awareness Camp
3. Placement Prep Workshop
4. Finance Series
5. Business Excellence Workshop
6. Summer Training Guide
7. Crack The CAT
8. Mutual Funds Fundamentals
9. Trade++
10. Utuber
11. Investoera