Research Paper Published:

Sr. No. Author(s) Title of the Article Publisher
1 Dr. Arati Kane Mathematical Modelling of Thermoelectric Module using MATLAB for steady state Analysis Journal of Environmental science, computer science and Engineering and Technology
2 Dr. Arati Kane A review of the Thermoelectric generation for technological upgradation for Enhancement of Acceptability as alternate energy source International Gravida Review journal
3 Mr. Manish Talwar Removing of harmonics using LabVIEW International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and software Engineering.
4 Dr. Saket Gupta. An efficient Jaya algorithm with

Powell’s Pattern Search for optimal power flow incorporating distributed


5 Dr. Saket Gupta.  Solution of optimal power flow problem using sine-cosine mutation based modified Jaya algorithm: Energy
6 Dr. Saket Gupta. A Robust Optimization Approach for Optimal Power Flow Solutions Using

Rao Algorithms.

7 Dr. Saket Gupta. A Hybrid Jaya–Powell’s Pattern Search Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Distributed Generation. Energies.
8 Dr. Saket Gupta. Application of multi-objective genetic algorithm for solving Optimal Power Flow problem”, (IJEEE)


STTP/FDP/Workshop Organized:

Sr. No. Title Delivered by Organized by Date
1 Organised an FDP program “Engg. Applications on Machine Learning.     Dr. Rajesh   Manish Talwar 23rd – 27 july 2018.


Seminar/Webinar/Guest Lecture Organized:

Sr. No. Event Topic Delivered by Organized by Date
1 webinar on “How to grab opportunity in I.T industry”  Ms. Harshita Jain  Mr. Manish Talwar 24th April 2022.
2 webinar on “Avenues of VLSI for Instrumentation Engineer”  Mr. Gaurav & Mr. Vikalp  Mr. Manish Talwar 19th April-2022.
3 Webinar on “How to improve quantitative aptitude skills for placement”. TIME Mr. Manish Talwar 30th October, 2021


4 Webinar on “Career in Instrumentation & Industrial talks” taken by on Ms. Anshupriya Singh, Air Liquide Mr. Manish Talwar  23rd October, 2021
5 Webinar on “ Choosing the right path after college”  Ms. Pooja Gujral Mr. Manish Talwar  17th Oct. 2021
6 Webinar on “ Career in Instrumentation” Ms. Ankita Tewary Mr. Manish Talwar 16th oct 2021
7 Webinar on “How to grab-On campus Placements” Ms. Harshita Jain, TCS Mr. Manish Talwar 13th March, 2021
8 Webinar on “Future & Scope of Instrumentation” Mr. Hitesh Vats, IOCL Mr. Manish Talwar 7th March, 2021


 STTP/FDP/Workshop Attended:

Sr. No. Faculty Name Topic Date
1 Dr. Arati Kane FDP on “Use of ICT in Engineering Education” 17th July 2021
2 Mr. Manish Talwar TEQIP-III sponsored FDP on “ Machine Learning in predictive Modeling.” At DTU 23-27 April 2018
3 Mr. Manish Talwar FDP on “ AI and Machine Learning.” At CDAC Noida organised by E&ICT Academy IIT Roorkee. 04th – 09th June 2018
4. Mr. Manish Talwar National workshop on “Computing with words via Fuzzy logic with Applications.” Organised by GD Goenka University in association with NIT Delhi. 06th May 2019 – 10th May 2019.
5 Mr. Manish Talwar FDP on ” ICT/LMS tools for teaching and learning organised by K.C college of Engg. & Management Thane 16-06-2020-19-06-2020
6 Mr. Manish Talwar Attended online FDP on “Computational methods for Artificial Intelligence Machine learning and blockchain technology  05-09th July 2021.
7 Mr. Manish Talwar workshop on “Outcome based education and NBA Accreditation process” at BVICAM 27th July-31st July 2020
8 Mr. Manish Talwar FDP on “Computational methods for Artificial Intelligence Machine learning and blockchain technology”, Amity University Haryana 5th – 9th July 2021.
9 Mr. Manish Talwar online FDP on “Examinations Reforms” conducted by Madan Mohan Malaviya university of Technology, Gorakhpur. 26th-30th March 2022
10 Mr. Manish Talwar FDP on the “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE 9th – 13th May, 2022.
11 Mihika Mahendra FDP on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE 9th – 13th May, 2022.
12 Mihika Mahendra FDP on “Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering” organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi. 12th -16th July 2021.
13 Mihika Mahendra FDP on “Essentials of Linux System Administration” organized by Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai. 16th-17th April 2021.
14 Mihika Mahendra STTP on “Recent        Trends & Applications in Analog VLSI Design” organized by Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur. 26th – 31st October 2020.
15 Mihika Mahendra Short Term Training Programme       (STTP) on “VLSI Design Using Cadence Tools” organized by Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai. 12th Oct – 17th Oct 2020.
16 Mihika Mahendra Hands-on workshop on “Microchip’s Internet of Things” in association with Apis solution Bengaluru, organized by Shri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru. 14th August 2020.
17 Mihika Mahendra FDP on “Effective Proposal Writing for Research and Funding” organized by Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center, Nashik in association with IEEE Women in Engineering. 13th-18th July 2020.
18 Mihika Mahendra Participated in the Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights & Patent Filing” organized by Rajeshwari College of Engineering, Bengaluru. 20th August 2020.
19 Ms. Shikha FDP on the “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE 9th – 13th May, 2022.
20 Ms. Shikha STTP on “Industry Oriented STC on VLSI Design Tools” Organize by NITTTR, Chandigarh. 21st -25th March 2022.