Welcome message from the Librarian

Welcome to Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering New Delhi. It is a great joy to have you here. The library’s main goal is to implement forward, enhance, and support the college’s educational programme. The college’s library is an essential component that’s been created to meet the information, curriculum, and research demands of both students and faculty. The Library Resource Center wishes to assist our students in their studies and in making appropriate use of their information. We will assist you in accessing, selecting, and acquiring the information you require. Being the librarian of BVCOE Library, I’m happy you’ve come to check out our website and invite you to revisit it often. I sincerely hope that everyone will utilize our library services and facilities provided to our end users.

I welcome your questions, remarks, and ideas for enhancing library services and look forward to engaging with you in person or digitally.

Thank You

Best Wishes

Dr.Upassana Yadav

P.hd,   MBA, M.LIS


Phone no: 011-25258637 Ext. 222

E mail : upasana.yadav@bharatividyapeeth.edu

Linkedin Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/upasna-yadav-3110ab32

Orcid Id: 0000-0002-0159-132X

Vidwan  id: 175399

The Library Resource Center is part of the institution since its inception in 1999. Library has very rich collections of Books (Print & Electronic) & database on various branches (Applied Science, CSE, IT, ECE, EEE, ICE AI, ML) of Knowledge. The print and digital holdings at the Library are well-balanced. Almost 57,573 collections of print books are housed in the Library. The Library Resource Center provides a venue for study, innovation, and growth, in keeping with the stated goal and the BVCOE’s goal to “support quality education.” The library is solely dedicated to student’s researchers’, and faculty’s academic needs. LRC includes print subscriptions to approximately 79 National and International periodicals and Magazines. The library’s subscribes numerous local, regional, and national newspapers in Hindi, English, and Marathi. The LRC has a wide number of books, journals, articles, and magazines. The collections prepared by the dedicated faculty on various subjects have been made available for reference to the students.

The library subscribes to be a range of online database to help users and their academic pursuits .IEEE POP & ASPP) E Database, DELNET Database, Pearson e books, PHI E Books, Taylor & Francis E books, TMH E Books, Oxford E books collection.

Library Resource Centre is fully automated to fulfill users’ requirements by providing them with quality services to access books and e-Resources. BVCOE has an OPAC/ Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) along with Central library books & book bank catalogue within the campus through intranet LAN &WAN, KOHA Automation software for circulation.

The Library Resource Centre has an in-house initiative that is successfully operating. Projects

BVP Connect: Library I-Card, Subject Notes, E-books, Subscribed E database, and other reading materials.

BVP Library: Android App of the Library helps to access WEB OPAC, IEEE database, (In House Access) Pearson EBook Library requisition form, I-card Form, E-book Link, and Library Rules & Regulations.(In /OFF Campus)

E-Gate Entry Register: Digital Entry students help to get the information and exact data of the students who visited the library. It also helps to recognize the students who visited the library frequently as well as students can check online whether the seat available in the library or not.

Document Type Title Volume
Print Books Library Books 4762 14864
Book Bank 979




Gifted Book 817 926
Grand Total 6558 57573
Fiction English, Hindi, Marathi 825




Number of Periodical

Print Periodical International Journal 13
National Journal 29
Magazines 27
Newspaper 10
  Total 79


Document Number of Documents
Dissertation 1035
Conference Proceedings 100
Bound Periodical 1859
CD & DVD 1505


8:30 AM to 9.00 PM

Library Book Issue/Return Timings

8.30 AM to 5.00 PM

  • LRC will remain closed on Holidays listed in the Academic Calendar.
  • All online resources can be accessed 24×7.
  • Any change in the Library Resource Centre timings will be notified in advance. 

For any queries please mail at: upasana.yadav@bharatividyapeeth.edu or library.coedelhi@vharatividyapeeth.edu

International Journals

  1. International Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology
  2. International Journal of Scientific. Research in Computer Science and Engineering
  3. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  4. International Journal of Cloud Computing and Database Management
  5. International journal of Computer Networking Wireless and Mobile Communications (IJCNVVMC)
  6. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and information Technology Research (IJCSEITR)
  7. International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering
  8. International Journal of Electronics, Communication &Instrumentation, Engineering Research & Development
  9. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
  10. IMPACT: International Journal of Computational Sciences and Information Technology (IMPACT: IJCSIT)
  11. International Journal of Information Technology
  12. IEEE Engineering Management Review
  13. IEEE Computational Intelligence

National Journals

  1. Current Development in Digital Information Technology
  2. Current Science
  3. Defence Science
  4. I manager Journal of Augmented and Virtual Reality
  5. I Manager Journal on Mobile Applications & Technologies
  6. I Manager Journal on Pattern Recognition
  7. I Manager Journal on Data Science & Big Data Analytics
  8. I Manager Journal on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  9. I Manager Journal on Image Processing
  10. I Manager Journal on IOT and Smart Automation
  11. I Manager Journal on Wireless Communication Networks
  12. I Manager Journal on Future Engineering & Technology
  13. ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing
  14. ICTACT Journal of Communication Technology
  15. ICTACT Journal of Microelectronics
  16. ICTACT Journal of Soft Computing
  17. Indian Journal of Data Analysis and Information Systems
  18. Indian Journal of High Speed Networks and Computing Routers
  19. Indian Journal of VLSI and Circuit Design
  20. Janabha
  21. Journal of High Performance Communication Systems and Networking
  22. Journal on Cloud Computing
  23. Ramanunjan Mathematical Society
  24. Resonance
  25. Science Reporter
  26. Dalal Street
  27. Communicator
  28. Sanchar Madhyam
  29. Journal of Creative Communication


  1. Business Today
  2. Open Source for You
  3. Voice & Data
  4. Data Quest
  5. Electronics for You
  6. Front Line
  7. India Today
  8. Outlook
  9. PC Quest
  10. Power line
  11. Reader Digest
  12. Pratiyogita Darpan
  13. India Today Home
  14. India Today Spice
  15. India Today Health
  16. Competition Success Review ( English)
  17. The Week
  18. Embedded For You
  19. Business world
  20. Digit
  21. The Caravan
  22. Vidura
  23. Grassroots
  24. Rind Survey
  25. Education World
  26. Inspiring Roots
  27. Vichar Bharati

Catalogue of the library collections, books, journals, magazines and other materials is accessible online 24×7. One can know the list of books borrowed and their due dates. IT enables speedy search of library catalogue.

It can be accessed at:

The L IBRARY COMMITTEE has been reformed, as per the details provided below, with effect from February 14, 2022.


Dr. Dharmender  Saini In charge , Principal, BVCOE
Dr. Sushil Kumar Executive Member, Associate Professor, Applied Science
Dr. Yugnanda Member,  Associate Professor, ECE
Dr. Pranav Das Member , Associate Professor, CSE
Mr. Poras Khetarpal Member , Assistant Professor,  CSE
Mr. Praveen Kumer Dwivedi Member , Assistant Professor,  CSE
Dr. Achin Jain Member , Associate Professor,  IT
Dr. Sandeep Banerjee Member, , Assistant Professor,  CSE
Dr. Upasana Yadav Member ,Librarian
Mr. Sandeep Patil Member , Administrative Officer

General Rules & Regulation

  • Only registered members are allowed to use the Library. Members should always carry their Valid ID cards while using the Library.
  • Readers should observe silence inside the Library.
  • Usage of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library Premises.
  • Members are themselves responsible for books issued against their lost ID.
  • Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material in book form inside the Library, for which designated room only is to be read.
  • Members must show their Library ID Cards while entering the Library, borrowing books and journals and at any time if asked to do so by the Library staff.
  • The belongings like bags, umbrellas, Tiffin box and other personal belongings etc. are to be deposited at the Property Counter at the Reader’s own risk.
  • Every member must sign the register available at the entrance.
  • Members are free to browse the books as there is Open Access in the library. Once the books are taken out of the shelves they should not be replaced by them as they may be misplaced. They should be kept on table only
  • Readers should not write in, mark scratches and disfigure, damage books or furniture of the Library.
  • Network will not be provided on Laptop brought inside the Library. The library shall not be responsible for the loss of Laptops.
  • Chewing, pan, spitting, smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly is strictly prohibited in the Library.
  • Newspapers, magazines, and journals must be read only in the Library on specific table/ stands and should not be taken out to any other reading area.
  • Books and novels are not allowed to be read in the digital and journal section of the library. Reading hall should be used for the same.
  • No Library material can be taken out of the Library without permission.
  • Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the Library shall be liable to lose the privileges of Library Membership.
  • The Chief Librarian, with the approval of the Library Advisory Committee reserves the right to add, delete, alter or modify any of the above rules as and when required.

   Library is a SILENCE ZONE. Pin Drop silence is required

  • Books have to be returned on time.
  • Your Library ID Card is non-transferable.
  • Damaging the Library material is a serious offence.


  • Mobiles must be switched off or be kept in vibrating mode only. Receiving/calling in library is not allowed.

Guidelines for Lending Section

  • A student can borrow utmost three books at a time for 21 days, which are further renewable for 21 days (except in special cases). Books borrowed should not be identical.
  • Be present in person with your own ID card while borrowing/returning the library books.
  • Borrowed books should be returned on or before the stipulated date mentioned on date-slip inside the book.
  • For delay in returning a book students have to pay a fine of Rs. 1 (Rupees one only) per day per book.
  • Any late return of books accumulates a fine of Rs. 1:00 per day. When the late fine crosses rupees Twenty, one has to collect the fine slip from the Admin Office and deposit the amount at the BHARATI SAHKARI BANK LTD. PUNE COUNTER ONLY. After paying the fine submit your student copy of the fine slip to the Library Office for updating fine status.
  • Check the condition of the book at the time of borrowing. If any mutilation found, report instantly to the concerned library staff. Otherwise the borrower will be responsible for the damage.
  • Open Access is for your convenience. DO NOT misplace the books while selecting from the shelves. After consulting books DO NOT shuffle them but return them to circulation desk.
  • Remember book hiding and misplacing are punishable offence.
  • Return the borrowed books first at the Lending Counter. Don’t go inside the Lending/Reading Section with borrowed books.
  • If books are lost or damaged (including marking on the pages), borrower must replace the book of same edition or latest edition.

Guidelines for Reading Section

  • Books “FOR READING ROOM ONLY” and periodicals (including journals and magazines) are only to be read in the READING ROOM ONLY and cannot be carried out.
  • You will be allowed to study in the Reading Room with a maximum of ONE BOOK at a time. Make an entry at the Reading Room Counter by depositing the ID card after taking a book
  • When reading the newspaper, do not strew the pages around.
  • Return books to the counter after consulting them.
  • Circulation Service
  • Journal Section
  • Reference Service
  • Question Banks through QR Code
  • Inter Library Loan/ Document Delivery Service
  • Internet
  • Open Access
  • Property Counter
  • User Orientation Programme
  • New Arrivals
  • Photocopy/Reprography/ I- Card facility

According to Turnitin.com, plagiarism.org and Research Resources this are considered plagiarism:

  1. a) Turning in someone else’s work as you own.
  2. b) Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.
  3. c) Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.
  4. d) Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.
  5. e) Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving Credit.
  6. f) Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of

your work, whether you give credit or not.




Courseware and Learning Resources:



Institutional Repositories

e-Journal Databases:

e-Print Archive:

National Repository

Patents and Standards:

Search Engines:

Virtual Libraries / Subject Gateways:

University Directory:

National Education Day : Reading Enhancement program

“KOHA: Effective Use of Library Management Software” on 27th-28th June 2023

IEEE Demonstration program

Library Orientation program for students

Previous Events


Librarian Office        011-25278443 ext. 222
Circulation Counter        011-25278443 ext. 218
Officials Mail Id library.coedelhi@bharatividyapeeth.edu
