Training 2024
Following trainings are conducted in 2024
- Data Science by Veeyo Tech
- AI ML DL using Python
- MERN Stack
- Internet of Things using Arduino & NodeMCU
- Cyber Security in Linux
- Data Structure & Algorithm
MERN Stack
The Summer Training program on MERN Stack, conducted in July-Aug 2024, was organized by Brain Mentors Pvt Ltd. The program aimed to equip B.Tech students with practical knowledge and skills in web development using the MERN stack—comprising MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.
Data Structure & Algorithm
Data structures and algorithms are fundamental concepts in computer science and programming. They play a crucial role in designing efficient and effective software solutions.
Data Structure & Algorithm training course is done in association with Coding Ninjas Pvt. limited. The training program’s syllabus includes Problem Solving Techniques, Object Oriented Programming, Linear Data Structures, Trees, Advanced Data Structures & Dynamic Programming. This training helps students to attain novice and advanced programmer’s alike knowledge, so that they can dominate the algorithms and data structures necessary to do well in contests and to gain a competitive edge over other candidates in software interviews and to have programming skills to the next level.
Cyber Security in Linux
Summer Training in Cyber Security with Linux is a modular 5-week course, and includes practical (hands on) training. The course curriculum of Summer Training in Cyber Security with Linux comprises.
Internet of Things using Arduino & NodeMCU
The topics which were covered during the training include: Introduction to basic electronic component, Basics of C Programming, Introduction to Arduino, Introduction to IoT, Arduino Programming Basics, Sensors and Actuators, Intermediate Arduino Programming, Serial Communication, Advanced Concepts of IoT with Arduino, Front-end Techniques for IOT Interface, Security Threats in Internet of Things, Connecting Arduino to cloud platforms.
Data Science by Veeyo Tech
The “Data Science with Python” course was designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective data analysis and decision-making in a business context. Over the span of five weeks, participants gained proficiency in Python programming, learned data manipulation using libraries like NumPy and Pandas, mastered data visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn, delved into statistical analysis, and grasped fundamental machine learning concepts. They also explored tools such as Excel and Tableau to enhance their data analysis and visualization capabilities. By the end of the course, students were well-prepared to extract valuable insights from data and contribute to informed business decisions.
AI ML DL using Python
AI Engineer focuses on developing advanced AI algorithms and neural network architectures. Their duties include collecting data, refining machine learning (ML) models, and integrating AI into applications. Continuous upskilling through artificial intelligence courses is advised. The content of AI-ML course includes following modules.