Major Project Notice for Synopsis Submission 2020-21 ECEBy BVCOEND ECEJune 24, 2021Leave a commentMajor_Synopsis
ICT based STC on “Wireless propagation” from 25th February to 1st March 2019, in collaboration with NITTTR Chandigarh ECEBy BVCOEND ECEJune 24, 2021Leave a commentBVP_Bharati_Vidyapeeths_College_of_Engineering_,New_Delhi
One week FDP on, FPGA and ASIC design, February 25th 2019 to 1st March 2019 ECEBy BVCOEND ECEJune 24, 2021Leave a commentBVP_Bharati_Vidyapeeths_College_of_Engineering_,New_Delhi_XILINX
Major Project Presentation Notice ECEBy BVCOEND ECEJune 22, 2021Leave a commentFinal_presentation_Major