In-charge: Mr. Vishal Sharma

Astt. Prof., Dept. of CSE

Phone: 011-25278443/25278444 (EXT. 306)
Faculty Coordinators: 1) Ms. Shikha Rastogi, Astt. Prof., Dept. of IT

2) Mr. Avinash Kumar, Astt. Prof., Dept. of ECE

Assistant Staff: 1) Mr. Shrinivas Salunkhe
Support Staff: 1) Mr. Jayant Karande


Examination division mainly deals with the following

    1. Replying to University letters regarding various matters pertaining to examinations, results of students, etc.
    2. Student’s grievances/queries regarding results declaration, errors in results etc.
    3. Conduction of Internal Examinations and End Term theory/practical Examinations.
    4. Verification of student marks for Training and Placement Activity and various for companies as per their request.
    5. Distribution of Degree certificates, Mark sheets of students received from University after declaration of result. Any other related grievances /queries.