GGSIPU has implemented its new syllabus scheme for B.Tech. Course w.e.f 2021-2022. As per new syllabus university will award degree in following category fulfilling the required criteria decided by competent authority.

  1. Major Degree / Primary Specialization: – Discipline in which the student is admitted / upgraded or transferred.
  2. Minor Specialization: – Specializations earned through the EAE or OAE route subject to fulfillment of requirements specified in the scheme of study for the concerned minor specialization.

The degree nomenclature of the degree shall be as:

  1. “Bachelor of Technology in Major Specialization  with Minor Specializations in <concerned EAE/OAE discipline>”


  1. “Bachelor of Technology in Major Specialization  with Minor Specializations in <concerned EAE/OAE discipline>) (Honours)”


  1. “Bachelor of Technology in Major Specialization  ”


  1. Bachelor of Technology in Major Specialization  (Honours)”

Link for B.Tech. Course Curriculum:-

List of Core Disciplines:

CSE : Computer Science and Engineering

IT : Information Technology

CST : Computer Science and Technology

ITE : Information Technology and Engineering

ECE : Electronics and Communications Engineering

EE : Electrical Engineering

EEE : Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ICE : Instrumentation and Control Engineering

ME : Mechanical Engineering

CE : Civil Engineering

 List for Minor Specializations (Applicable only for Core Disciplines):

AI : Artificial Intelligence

AIML : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

DS : Data Science

BT : Block Chain Technology

IoT : Internet of Things

ICB : Internet of Things and Cyber Security including Block Chain Technology

Net : Networks

CS : Cyber Security

MLDA : Machine Learning and Data Analytics

SC : Soft Computing

SE : Software Engineering

FSD : Full Stack Development

IPCV : Image Processing and Computer Vision

RA : Robotics and Automation

ES : Embedded Systems

VLSI : VLSI Design

WMC : Wireless and Mobile Communications

EV : Electrical Vehicles

MT : Microgrid Technologies

PS : Power Systems

PED : Power Electronics and Drives

CI : Control and Instrumentation

CADM : Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

DMS : Design and Measurement Systems

DT : Design Trends

TES : Thermal Energy Sources

QM : Quality Management

CTM : Construction Technology and Management

IE : Infrastructure Engineering

GTSE : Green Technology and Sustainability Engineering

CSE : Computer Science and Engineering

ECE : Electronics and Communications Engineering

EE : Electrical Engineering

SD : Software Development

ME : Mechanical Engineering

ICE : Instrumentation and Control Engineering

CE : Civil Engineering

UHV : Universal Human Values