General Rules & Regulation
- Only registered members are allowed to use the Library. Members should always carry their Valid ID cards while using the Library.
- Readers should observe silence inside the Library.
- Usage of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library Premises.
- Members are themselves responsible for books issued against their lost ID.
- Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material in book form inside the Library, for which designated room only is to be read.
- Members must show their Library ID Cards while entering the Library, borrowing books and journals and at any time if asked to do so by the Library staff.
- The belongings like bags, umbrellas, Tiffin box and other personal belongings etc. are to be deposited at the Property Counter at the Reader’s own risk.
- Every member must sign the register available at the entrance.
- Members are free to browse the books as there is Open Access in the library. Once the books are taken out of the shelves they should not be replaced by them as they may be misplaced. They should be kept on table only
- Readers should not write in, mark scratches and disfigure, damage books or furniture of the Library.
- Network will not be provided on Laptop brought inside the Library. The library shall not be responsible for the loss of Laptops.
- Chewing, pan, spitting, smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly is strictly prohibited in the Library.
- Newspapers, magazines, and journals must be read only in the Library on specific table/ stands and should not be taken out to any other reading area.
- Books and novels are not allowed to be read in the digital and journal section of the library. Reading hall should be used for the same.
- No Library material can be taken out of the Library without permission.
- Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the Library shall be liable to lose the privileges of Library Membership.
- The Chief Librarian, with the approval of the Library Advisory Committee reserves the right to add, delete, alter or modify any of the above rules as and when required.
Library is a SILENCE ZONE. Pin Drop silence is required
- Books have to be returned on time.
- Your Library ID Card is non-transferable.
- Damaging the Library material is a serious offence.
- Mobiles must be switched off or be kept in vibrating mode only. Receiving/calling in library is not allowed.
Guidelines for Lending Section
- A student can borrow utmost three books at a time for 21 days, which are further renewable for 21 days (except in special cases). Books borrowed should not be identical.
- Be present in person with your own ID card while borrowing/returning the library books.
- Borrowed books should be returned on or before the stipulated date mentioned on date-slip inside the book.
- For delay in returning a book students have to pay a fine of Rs. 1 (Rupees one only) per day per book.
- Any late return of books accumulates a fine of Rs. 1:00 per day. When the late fine crosses rupees Twenty, one has to collect the fine slip from the Admin Office and deposit the amount at the BHARATI SAHKARI BANK LTD. PUNE COUNTER ONLY. After paying the fine submit your student copy of the fine slip to the Library Office for updating fine status.
- Check the condition of the book at the time of borrowing. If any mutilation found, report instantly to the concerned library staff. Otherwise the borrower will be responsible for the damage.
- Open Access is for your convenience. DO NOT misplace the books while selecting from the shelves. After consulting books DO NOT shuffle them but return them to circulation desk.
- Remember book hiding and misplacing are punishable offence.
- Return the borrowed books first at the Lending Counter. Don’t go inside the Lending/Reading Section with borrowed books.
- If books are lost or damaged (including marking on the pages), borrower must replace the book of same edition or latest edition.
Guidelines for Reading Section
- Books “FOR READING ROOM ONLY” and periodicals (including journals and magazines) are only to be read in the READING ROOM ONLY and cannot be carried out.
- You will be allowed to study in the Reading Room with a maximum of ONE BOOK at a time. Make an entry at the Reading Room Counter by depositing the ID card after taking a book
- When reading the newspaper, do not strew the pages around.
- Return books to the counter after consulting them.