Faculty Coordinator- Dr. Monica Bhutani
- Name: Anushka Mishra & Bhumi Batra
Responsibilities – Chairperson
- Name : Tanusri Gururaj
Responsibilities – Vice-Chairperson
Society Description:
IEEE BVCOE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. At IEEE BVCOE, the IEEE STUDENT BRANCH of BHARATI VIDYAPEETH’S COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (BVCOE), we encourage the active involvement of fellow students in our events and proceedings. By becoming a member of the IEEE BVCOE family, a wide spectrum of opportunities and resources are instantly available to the students. Young, innovative minds can hugely benefit from the plethora of knowledge and technical know-how that IEEE offers. We endeavor to harness the boundless youth potential and create a rich pool of technical expertise.
IEEE BVCOE has the following sub-chapters:
- Computer Society (CS)
CS is the Computer Society of IEEE BVCOE, and it deals with the practice and application of computer science and technology, be it hardware or software. The chapter has also evolved with the rest of the world, thus, a lot of the members research new aspects related to computer sciences like big data, cloud storage, and artificial intelligence. The chapter encourages curious minds to learn and look towards a more practical future, which can make them industry-ready. The chapter also organizes various hackathons and workshops to lead the budding engineers and lets them experience an actual working environment.
- Women in Engineering (WIE)
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to women engineers and scientists.
The mission of IEEE WIE is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. IEEE WIE envisions a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS)
The IEEE RAS aims to foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in Robotics and Automation that benefits members, the profession, and humanity. Its vision is to be the most recognized and respected global organization in Robotics and Automation.
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society’s objectives are scientific, literary, and educational in character. The society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of robotics and automation engineering and science and the allied arts and sciences, and for the maintenance of high professional standards among its members, all in consonance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the IEEE and with special attention to such aims within the Field of Interest of the Society.
- IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS)
IAS is a source of professional power to its nearly 10,000 worldwide members.
IAS enriches its members and the industry by sharing specific industry-related solutions. The scope of the Industry Applications Society is the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering in the development, design, manufacture, and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce; the promotion of safe, reliable and economic installations; industry leadership in energy conservation and environmental, health, and safety issues; the creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices; and the professional development of its membership.
IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) is the student honor society of IEEE and is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the IEEE-designated fields of interest. These include Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy.
The members consist of students, alumni, and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments. Student members are selected based on scholastic standing, character, and leadership. Professional members are inducted by nominating a current member and their contributions. The founding principle of “identifying and recognizing the future leaders of our profession” has resulted in the high concentration of IEEE-HKN alumni in top-level positions at every major technical corporation in the U.S. and around the world. Our alumni have a higher level of advanced degrees, frequently publish and hold patents, are entrepreneurs, have founded corporations, and hold leadership roles in academia and at the highest levels of the profession. The founding members’ vision has been realized in the success of those chosen and accepted the challenge and responsibility of the designation Eta Kappa Nu.
Student Interest Groups-
- Code-X
Code-X is a Special Interest Group for programming, under IEEE BVCOE. We aim to improve programming standards by lessening the gap between the learned ones and the beginners. We regularly hold workshops, weekly quizzes/challenges, tutorial sessions, and offline programming competitions. keeping the level as comfortable as possible for both, tyros and pro-coders.
- E-Cell (Entrepreneurship Cell)
IEEE BVCOE aims to provide a platform for students to interact with professionals and industrialists from different fields. E-Cell organizes Group Discussions, Conferences, and many more Interactive sessions and helps in developing a Professional environment for students.
- Gamma
IEEE BVCOE added a vertex to its graph in the form of GAMMA, which stands for Gaming and MultiMedia Animation, by organizing its orientation meet on 5th March 2014. This SIG of IEEE BVCOE is a new dimension that encapsulates gaming and all the hard work it takes to build a game. It wants the students to have fun while playing games and learn the game.
BQC, as an SIG is the Quiz Club of IEEE BVCOE. Quizzes and Trivia are something that intrigues everyone. The fun with quizzes is that they can be about any topic, so the community here can be as large as one can hope for, and finding like-minded people can be easy. Conducting quizzes helps with research skills and, of course, acquiring new information.
- Drishti
Drishti is the digital arts association of IEEE BVCOE that works to promote and encourage Digital Arts amongst the students. Drishti conducts various events, from photography-oriented sessions to Photoshop-based software workshops and tutorials, giving interested students a view of the latest technology and updates in the domain of digital arts.
Latest Events Conducted:
Date: AUG 17, 2023
Time: 10 PM
At Changemaker20, IEEE BVCOE hosted a session titled “Breaking Barriers: Women’s Inclusion in STEM.” Dr. Monica Bhutani, our esteemed branch counselor, initiated the session with an insightful overview of IEEE’s mission and our activities. The highlighted initiatives, like WIE Star and WIEHACK, delve into women’s challenges and the gender gap in STEM fields. The IEEE BVCOE also discussed women’s achievements in engineering, emphasizing the untapped potential. This session strongly aligns to nurture a more inclusive and prosperous future.
Date: MAY 23, 2023
Time: 7 AM
WIEHACK 4.0, organized by the IEEE Student Branch of BVCOE, operating under its department of ECE, was a 36-hour women-centric hybrid international hackathon with the vision of providing a platform for creative and technical freedom while addressing the unfavourable gender ratio in engineering. It received tremendous participation and engagement. With 1,650 registrants, including over 50% female candidates from 15+ countries, the event showcased the global impact of the initiative. The hackathon featured a cumulative viewership of 2,000 on YouTube, 42,000 views on Unstop, and 2,100+ visitors on the website from 53 countries. Generous sponsors contributed to a prize pool worth $50,000, and a cash prize pool of around 60,000 INR. The event had 176 participants in offline mode and 400+ percipients online, with the guidance of 4 speakers, three judges, and six mentors. Under the leadership of 5 event managers, 36 executive committee members, and 36 volunteers, the IEEE BVCOE student branch ensured a memorable experience. Ideas transformed into working solutions at WIEHACK 4.0, leaving a lasting impact. The event showcased the dedication and passion of the enthusiastic IEEE Student Branch of the BVCOE team.