Dr. Sushmita Mohapatra
Associate Professor & Dean – Admissions and Student’s welfare 

Email: sushmita.mohapatra@bharatividyapeeth.edu  

Office Phone: (011) 25258637,25278443 

Ph.D (IIT D) , M.Sc (IIT D),B.Sc(D.U)  
Work Experience:
17 years
Area Of Specialisation:
 Physical Chemistry
Dr Sushmita Mohatpra is an Associate professor in the Department of Applied Sciences (Chemistry). She has done her M.Sc from Department of Chemistry and PhD from centre of Energy Studies, I.I.T. Delhi. She worked as lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, Gargi College, Delhi university, India from may, 1992 to july, 1996 and BVCOE from August 2002 till date. During her PhD work and afterwards she has published several research papers in peer reviewed international journals. She is a life member of ISTE. Her major research interests are Energy & Enviroment.
Interest Area(s)

Solid Waste management, Green Chemistry, Corrosion

Paper Published
    International Journals:
  1. S. Mohapatra, Biomass Power-Green energy Commitment in India, Research and Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences, 2018, 8(3), 97-101.
  2. A.K.Singh S.Mohapatra, B.Pani  Corrosion Inhibition Effect Of Aloe Vera el G:Gravimetric and Electrochemical Study: Journal Of Industrial and Engineering Accepted October 2015
  3. Mohapatra S (2015). Financial analysis of electricity generation from municipal solid waste: Case study. Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2(1):. Journal of Environment and Waste Management Vol. 2(1), pp. 039-046, June, 2015. © www.premierpublishers.org, ISSN: 1936-8798
  4. S. Mohapatra, Study of MSW of Delhi for Energy content Journal of Environment & waste Management, Vol. 2(1), pp. 56-58, 2015, ISSN:1936-8798 2015
  5. S Mohapatra Technological Options for Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste of Delhi,’ International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER)  2013 Volume3 Issue3 Page 682-687
  6. S Mohapatra Kasturi Gadgil Biomass: The Ultimate Source of Bio Energy
  7. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER)  2013 Volume3 Issue1 Page 20-23
  8. S. Mohapatra    Hydrogen Production Technologies With Specific Reference to Biomass) International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER)   2012 Volume2Issue3 Page 416-420
  9. S. Mohapatra,” Barriers in Biomass Power Generation   International Journal of Innovative Ideas and Research in Engineering and Technology Vol. No.1, Issue 2. JUNE 2012  
  10. S  Mohanty,  K  Gadgil  &  M  K  Sarkar,”  Partial  oxidation  of  methane  :A  Kinetic  study”.  Hungarian  J.of  Ind.  Chem., Veszprem, 22,  252-254  (1994).
  11. K  Gadgil,  S  Mohanty  &  MK  Sarkar,  ”  Catalytic  partial  oxidation  of  methane  to  methanol”,  Int.  Series on Chem.  Eng., Catalysis :  present  &  Future,  225-235  (1995).
  12. S  Mohanty  &  K  Gadgil,”  Partial  oxidation  of  methane  to  methanol  &  formaldehyde”,  Hydrocarbon  Tech.,37,  73-77  (1996).

National Journal: nil

[1]      National Conference: Kasturi  Gadgil  and  Sushmita  Mahapatra,  “Review  of  technologies  for  production  of  energy  and  feedstocks  through  sustainable  utilization  of  natural  resources:  The  biomass  option”,  National  Natural  Resources  (Tech  SUNR  2007),  at  JITM,  Orissa,  24-25  Feb,  2007.

[2]      S  Mohanty,  K  Gadgil  &  M  K  Sarkar,  “Effect  of  CO on  the  partial  oxidation  of  methane”,  10th  Nat.  Symp.  Catalysis, IIT  Madras,  18-21  Dec.,  1999.

[3]      S  Mohanty,  K  Gadgil  &  M  K  Sarkar,  “Catalytic  partial  oxidation  of  methane”,  11th  Nat.  Sym.  Ctalysis,  Hyderabad,  2-4  April,  1993.