Research Papers data for the period from 01 Aug, 2020 to 31 July 2021

Sr.  No. Author(s) Complete Title of the Article or Chapter in Book Title of the Journal/ Book Vol.,  Issue & Page Number ISSN/ISBN No. Month & Year of Publication Peer Reviewed/UGC Apporved/Scopus/WOS/SCI
1 Abhishek Gandhar Vehicle Crash Alert System Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations Vol. 10, Issue 2,pp.24-30 2347-7261 Sept. 2020 Peer Reviewd
2 Abhishek Gandhar Human Powered Washing Machine Journal of Instrumentation Technology & Innovations Vol. 10, Issue 2,pp.13-18 2347-7261 Sept. 2020 Peer Reviewd
2 SUDHA.K Smart Hoover with Mower Journal of Instrumentation Technology and Innovations Vol.10, Issue.1, pp. 19-23 2347-7261 Aug 2020 Peer Reviewd
3 SUDHA.K Number Plate Recognition Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication Systems Vol.7, Issue.2,pp. 18-21 Aug 2020 Peer Reviewd
4 SUDHA.K Image Enhancement Using Super Resolution Technique Current Trends in Signal Processing Vol.10, Issue.2, pp.12-16 Sep 2020 Peer Reviewd
5 Sandeep Banerjee et al A  Simple and Cheap Method of Rapidly Prototyping Power Electronic Converters using  Microcontroller Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications vol 7 no 3, pp. 13–17 2455-197X Aug 2020 Peer Reviewed
6 Anuradha Basu Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Future Scope Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Internet of Things (IoT): Concepts, Techniques, and Applications chapter 2, pp.29 – 42 1875-8568 July 2021 Peer Reviewd
7 A. Sharma, N. Kumar, A. Kumar, K. Dikshit, K. Tharani, B. Singh Comparative Investigation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Epileptic Seizures Intelligent Decision Technologies Vol 15 Issue 1, pp 1-11 1875-8843 Jan-21 WOS/Peer Reviewed
8 Sandeep Banerjee et al Utility of  Robotic Arm based Rover in Assistive Technology Recent Trends in Sensor  Research & Technology vol 7 no 3, pp. 19–25 2393-8765 Aug 2020 Peer Reviewed