- M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) in 1993 fom U.P. College, Varanasi
- Ph.D (Medicinal Chemistry) in 1997 from BHU,Varanasi.
Work Experience: 21 years
She has a Research experience in various fields like Synthesis & Characterization of organic & Inorganic Compounds by Spectral, Element Analysis & Physical methods, extraction of natural product by the use of Column, TLC , NMR & gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. She was a Principal Investigator in a project, sanctioned by DST Department of Science and Technology, Gove. Of India, New Delhi) On vermicomposting, (for awareness of solid west management among student, teachers nearby Delhi region. She was a Coordinator in the CD learning program catalyzed by VISION INDIAN (prepared learning CD of 18 Subject for B.Tech courses). She was a Centre superintendent for the central assessment program of IP University held in BVCOE in the year 2002.She is working as a Management Representative for ISO certification.
Subjects Taught
- Engineering Chemistry
- Environmental Chemistry
Published 8 Research paper in International/National Journal and conferences.