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Solid Waste management, Green Chemistry, Corrosion
- S. Mohapatra, Biomass Power-Green energy Commitment in India, Research and Reviews: A Journal of Life Sciences, 2018, 8(3), 97-101.
- A.K.Singh S.Mohapatra, B.Pani Corrosion Inhibition Effect Of Aloe Vera el G:Gravimetric and Electrochemical Study: Journal Of Industrial and Engineering Accepted October 2015
- Mohapatra S (2015). Financial analysis of electricity generation from municipal solid waste: Case study. Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2(1):. Journal of Environment and Waste Management Vol. 2(1), pp. 039-046, June, 2015. ©, ISSN: 1936-8798
- S. Mohapatra, Study of MSW of Delhi for Energy content Journal of Environment & waste Management, Vol. 2(1), pp. 56-58, 2015, ISSN:1936-8798 2015
- S Mohapatra Technological Options for Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste of Delhi,’ International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 2013 Volume3 Issue3 Page 682-687
- S Mohapatra Kasturi Gadgil Biomass: The Ultimate Source of Bio Energy
- International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 2013 Volume3 Issue1 Page 20-23
- S. Mohapatra Hydrogen Production Technologies With Specific Reference to Biomass) International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 2012 Volume2Issue3 Page 416-420
- S. Mohapatra,” Barriers in Biomass Power Generation International Journal of Innovative Ideas and Research in Engineering and Technology Vol. No.1, Issue 2. JUNE 2012
- S Mohanty, K Gadgil & M K Sarkar,” Partial oxidation of methane :A Kinetic study”. Hungarian J.of Ind. Chem., Veszprem, 22, 252-254 (1994).
- K Gadgil, S Mohanty & MK Sarkar, ” Catalytic partial oxidation of methane to methanol”, Int. Series on Chem. Eng., Catalysis : present & Future, 225-235 (1995).
- S Mohanty & K Gadgil,” Partial oxidation of methane to methanol & formaldehyde”, Hydrocarbon Tech.,37, 73-77 (1996).
National Journal: nil
[1] National Conference: Kasturi Gadgil and Sushmita Mahapatra, “Review of technologies for production of energy and feedstocks through sustainable utilization of natural resources: The biomass option”, National Natural Resources (Tech SUNR 2007), at JITM, Orissa, 24-25 Feb, 2007.
[2] S Mohanty, K Gadgil & M K Sarkar, “Effect of CO2 on the partial oxidation of methane”, 10th Nat. Symp. Catalysis, IIT Madras, 18-21 Dec., 1999.
[3] S Mohanty, K Gadgil & M K Sarkar, “Catalytic partial oxidation of methane”, 11th Nat. Sym. Ctalysis, Hyderabad, 2-4 April, 1993.