Assistant Professor
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering
AREA OF SPECIALISATION: Power Electronics and ASIC design
1. Electrical Technology
2. Circuit and Systems
3. Power Station Practice
4. Renewable Energy Resources
National Conference:
1. H. Kumar and R. K. Tripathi, “Simulation of variable incremental conductance method with direct control method using boost converter,” 2012 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 2012, pp. 1-5.
Seminar/Conference/FDP/Workshop Attended:
1. Attended Training program on “Embedded Software Engineer Job Role” Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BVCOE, New Delhi from May , 16- 21, 2016.
2. Attended one day training on “Mentor graphics Software” Taken up by Correl Technologies at BVCOE, New Delhi.
3. Attended Faculty Development Program on “Envisioning Entrepreneurship and Novel research Methodology” held on 20th- 21st Sep 2013 at BVCOE, New Delhi.
4. Attended one week FDP on Sustainable Environmental Management through ICT conducted by Civil Engineering Department NITTR, Chandigarh from 27.02.2017 to 03.03.2017.
5. Attended one day Workshop on Installation & Commissioning of Roof Top Solar PV System conducted by IET Student Chapter Electrical & Electronics Department Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering.
6. Attended on week FDP on “Energy, Environment and Sustainable development” through ICT conducted by Civil Engineering Department NITTR, Chandigarh from 24.07.2017 to 28.07.2017.
Other Activities:
1. Management Representative (MR) of ISO 50001 (Energy Management System)
2. Training & Placement Coordinator.
3. Industrial Training Presentation Coordinator
4. Departmental Computer Maintenance.