Dr. Rachna Jain
Assistant Professor
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering
E-mail: rachna.jain@bharatividyapeeth.edu
Office Phone: (011) 25258637,25278443 Extn.: 241
- Ph.D.(Computer Science),Banasthali Vidyapith University
- ME(Computer Technology and Applications),Delhi College of engineering ,Delhi University.
- B.Tech. (Computer Science)N.C College of Engineering, Kurukshetra University
AREA OF SPECIALISATION: Cloud Computing,Network Security, Information Security ,Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Speech Recognition
SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Data Base Management System, Computer Architecture, C, C++, Fundamentals of Computer, Network Security,Software Engineering, Information Security
Title: Design an Autonomous Intelligent Drone for City Surveillance
Role: CO-PI
Funded by: DST
Budget: 15 Lakh
Description: An intelligent drone would focus on suspicious activities and inform the police and will be connected to a wireless database system to record and store all the data captured in a cloud server.
2018-2019 Special Issue of Convergence of Big Data, Cloud and IOT for Real –Time Applications(Free Scopus Indexed)
Scores: H-Index: 5, I-10 Index: 2
International Journals:
- Jain, R., Jain, N., Kapania, S., & Son, L. (2018). Degree Approximation-Based Fuzzy Partitioning Algorithm and Applications in Wheat Production Prediction. Symmetry, 10(12), 768.[SCIE]
- Rachna Jain*, Saurabh Raj Sangwan, Shivam Bachhety, Surbhi Garg and Yash Upadhyay, “Optimized Model for Cervical Cancer Detection Using Binary Cuckoo Search”, Recent Patents on Computer Science (2018] .[Scopus indexed]
- Aparajita, Rachna Jain, Anand Nayyar, Preeti Nagrath,” Simulation based Performance Comparison & Analysis regarding Static and Mobile Throwboxes impact on Network Performance in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) using ONE Simulator, Journal of Physics, IOP press, Conference series-2018. [Scopus indexed]
- Rachna jain,Nikita jain,Akshay Aggarwal,D. Jude Hemanth,”Convolutional Neural Network based Alzheimer’s Disease Classification from Magnetic Resonance Brain Images”,Cognitive Systems Research[Accepted Scopus Indexed]
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan, Bindu Garg, “E-Voting System using Homomorphic Encryption in a Cloud Based Environment” , In International Journal of Security and Its Applications Vol. 11, No. 5 (2017), (pp. 59-68). [Scopus indexed]
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan and Bindu Garg, “Privacy Sustainability Scheme in Cloud Environment” in CSI Transactions on ICT, Published by Springer.
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan and Bindu Garg, “Framework to Secure Data Access in Cloud Environment”, Advances in Computer Science and Swarm Intelligence, Vol. 9141, Pg: 127-135, Lectures notes in Springer LNCS,(2015). [Scopus indexed]
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan and Bindu Garg, “Implementation and Comparison of RSA and Triple DES Algorithm For Encryption and Decryption In Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10,p-p 11957-11971,(2015). [Scopus indexed]
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan and Bindu Garg, “Analyzing Various Existing Security Techniques to Secure Data Access in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-03, Issue-01, Page No (130-135), Jan -2015, E-ISSN: 2347-2693.
- Manik Sejwal, Abha Tripathi, Devarshi Mukhhopadhyay, Rachna Jain, “Transition to Autonomous Vehicles: Feasibility and Implication in The near Future”, Journal of Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering.
- Aayushi Tyagi, Aprajita Srivastava, Somya Goel and Rachna Jain, “Privacy Protection in Cloud: A Three-Stage Model”, Journal of Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering.
- Shivam Bachhety, Ramneek Singhal , Kshitiz Rawat, Rachna Jain, “Crime Detection Using Text Recognition and Face Recognition”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119 No. 15 2018, 2797-2807 ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
- Shreyans Jain, Ekansh Dubey, Rachna jain “Integrating Multiple Parameters to Improve Spam and Phishing Email Filtering” , International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Volume 3 , Issue 4, April-2018,ISSN No: 2456-2165.
- Anshul Garg , Rachna Jain,Preeti Nagrath “An Imperceptible RAT using Python” , International Journal of Electrical Electronics & Computer Science Engineering Special Issue –ICSCAAIT-2018|E-ISSN:2348-2273|P-ISSN: 2454-1222.
- Anshul Garg and Rachna Jain, “Secure Data Collaboration Services with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, ISSN 2250-3153, Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2017.
- Vaibhav Singhal and Rachna Jain, “Enhance data security in cloud using steganography ” , International Journal of Recent Scientific Research ,ISSN 0976-3031 ,Volume 8, Issue 8,August (2017), pp. 19596-19601.
- Anshul Garg, Vaibhav Singhal and Rachna Jain, “Medical Application Using NLP Over Cloud”, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research ,ISSN 0976-3031 ,Volume 8, Issue 8,August (2017), pp. 19585-19589.
- Anshul Garg and Rachna Jain, “Classification of EEG Signals using various Dimensionality Reduction Techniques” , International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research ,ISSN 0973-1873 ,Volume 13, Number 10 (2017), pp. 2309-2331 © Research India Publications.
- Aayushi Tyagi, Aprajita Srivastava, Rachna Jain, “Security Issues in Cloud Computing”,International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887 Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017.
- Rachit Singhal, Shivam Gupta, Rachna jain , “Security Issues in Cloud Computing”, in International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR) ISSN:2454-4116, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2017 Pages 77-80.
- Md. Alam, Mayank Saxena, Rachna Jain, “A Comparative Security Analysis of Fitness Wearables”, in International journal of Engineering Research ,Volume No.6, Issue No. 4 ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print), DOI : 10.5958/2319-6890.2017.00003.4, pp :209-210 ,April(2017) .
- Sanchi Kalra, Kunal Atal and Rachna Jain, “Security Issues in Cloud Computing” in International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887), Volume 167-No.2,pp:37-41,June(2017).
- Himanshu Sharma, Rachna Jain, Siddhant Shekhar, Aabhas Sinha,” Secure Online Judge in Cloud Environment” in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 3, Ver. II (May.-June. 2017), PP 102-106.
- Shubhi, shivika, Rachna jain, “Cloud security using rsa combined with image steganography”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION PROCESSING, Aug (2016).
- Mehak jain, Rachna jain, Deepika Kumar, “Analysis of various Security Models in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 7(6),759-767, ISSN:2229-6093,2016.
- Chayan Gulati, Rachna jain, Bindu Garg, ”An Application to manage data related to health care Using Database as a Service(DaaS) of cloud” in Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Technologies (JMDET)ISSN: 0974-1771,2015.
- Nitika Aggarwal, Abhishek Choudhary, Maalvika Bachani, Rachna Jain,”Framework for secure cloud data communication”INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 4, ISSUE 02, FEBRUARY 2015.
- Rachna Jain, Reena Singh, “A survey on current cloud computing trends and its related security issues” “International Journal of Research in applied science and engineering technology”(Volume 2, issue-January 2014,ISSN:23219653).
- Rachna jain, Ankur aggarwal, “Cloud Computing Security Algorithms” International Journal of advance research in computer science and software engineering(Volume 4, Issue 1,January 2014)ISSN:2277128X,pp. 264-265.
- Vanya Diwan, Shubra Malhotra, Rachna jain “Cloud Security:Comparison among various cryptographic algorithms ” International Journal of advance research in computer science and software engineering(Volume 4, Issue 4,April 2014)ISSN:2277128X
- Rachna Jain, Gaurav Saxena, Anuj Madan, Saurabh Sharma, Nishant Pai, “ Survey on Security Issues in Cloud Computing Environment ”in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication (IJIRCCE) Engineering (Volume 2, issue11-November 2014, ISSN(Online): 2320-9801, ISSN (Print): 2320-9798.
- Tarun Dugar, Rijul Handa, Mohit Garg, Akshay Gupta, Rachna Jain,” Auto Text Summarization”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology , ISSN: 2321-9653 ,pp.287-291,volume 2 ,Issue 11,November 2014 IJRASET.
- Ankur Aggarwal and Rachna Jain, “Irobot Create Programmed As Provider“,International Journal on computer science and engineering(IJCSE), Vol 4, No.04, April 2012 ISSN 0975-3397 .
- Suman Jain, Seema Sharma and Rachna Jain, “Job Satisfaction in banking :A Study of Public And Private sector Bank(Comparative Study) “ International Journal of science technology and management (IJSTM) Vol02 ,No.03,2012,664-668.ISSN :0975-3397.
- Rachna Jain and Dr. S.K Saxena, “Voice Automated Mobile Robot “ International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) – Vol 16, No.02, February 2011 ISSN 0975-8887.
- Rachna Jain and Dr. S.K Saxena, “Advanced feature extraction and its implementation in speech recognition system”. International Journal of science technology and management (IJSTM).
- Rachna Jain , Sunil Kumar, and Siddharth gupta , “Analysis and optimization of various transmission issues in video streaming over Bluetooth “ International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol 11, No.07,December 2010. ISSN :0975-8887.
International Conference:
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan and Bindu Garg, “Homomorphic Framework to Ensure Data Security in Cloud Environment”, International Conference on Innovation & Challenges In Cyber Security [ICICCS], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, Feb. 03-05, India 2016(INBUSH ERA 2016).
- Rachna Jain, Sushila Madan and Bindu Garg, “Homomorphic Encryption Over Integers”, 3rd International Conference on computing for sustainable Global Development[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 16-18, India 2016(IEEE Conference ID:37465).
- Aprajita Srivastava, Aayushi Tyagi, Somya Goel, Rachna jain , “Three-step user authentication in cloud environment”, 5th International Conference on computing for sustainable Global Development[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 14-16, India 2018(IEEE Conference ID:42835).
- Himanshu Khosla, Hitesh Sharma, Sanuj Saxena, Rachna jain, “Addressing Cloud Computing Security Issues and Solutions in SAAS”, 5th International Conference on computing for sustainable Global Development[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 14-16, India 2018(IEEE Conference ID:42835.
- Kartik Bhatia,Shourya Rastogi, Vibhor Agarwal, Mukesh Rana, Rachna Jain, Preeti Nagrath, “Proposing Regression Model For Predicting More Accurate Integer Sequences”, International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology, Vol 7, Issue 3, March 18.
- Rachna Jain, Anand Nayyar “Predicting Employee Attrition using XGBoost Machine Learning approach”, in 7th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 23rd–24th November, 2018 (SMART–2018, IEEE Conference ID: 44078 )
- Siddhant Bajaj, Vidit Chitkara,Abhishek Bindlish,Hardik nangia and Rachna jain , “Evoting Using Homomorphic Encryption“ , ICCM 2018: 4th International Conference on Computers and Management, G. B Pant Govt. Engineering College Okhla Phase-III,New Delhi, India, December 22-23, 2018.
- Yash Upadhyay, Sharat Sachin,Abha Tripathi and Rachna jain , “Comparative analysis of feature selection in epilepsy seizure recognition using cuckoo ,gravitational search and bat algorithm“ , ICCM 2018: 4th International Conference on Computers and Management, G. B Pant Govt. Engineering College Okhla Phase-III,New Delhi, India, December 22-23, 2018.
- Shivam Bachhety, Shubham Dhingra,Rachna jain and Nikita Jain, “Improved Multinomial Naive Bayes Approach for Sentiment Analysis on Social Media“ , ICCM 2018: 4th International Conference on Computers and Management, G. B Pant Govt. Engineering College Okhla Phase-III,New Delhi, India, December 22-23, 2018.
- Rachna Jain, Anand Nayyar, Shivam Bachhety,” Factex: A Practical Approach to Crime Detection” International Conference on Data Management,Analytics and Innovation,18-20 Jan 2019.
- Gourav Anand, Jusleen Kaur Rekhi, Preeti Nagrath and Rachna Jain,”FORECASTING AIR QUALITY OF DELHI USING ARIMA MODEL” accepted inInternational Conference on Data Sciences, Security and Applications[ICDSSA – 2019] Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, March 7-8th, 2019.
- Krishna Sehgal, Harlieen Bindra, Rachna Jain,”Optimisation of C5.0 using Association Rules and Prediction of Employee Attrition” International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication, on 5-6 May 2018.
- Krishna Sehgal, Harlieen Bindra, Anish Batra, Rachna Jain, “Prediction of Employee Attrition using GWO and PSO Optimised Models of C5.0 used with Association Rules and Analysis of Optimisers” in 6th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science & Engineering[ICICSE-2018]on 17-18 August 2018.
- Harlieen Bindra,Rachna Jain,”Application of Classification techniques for prediction of WaterQuality of 17 selected Indian Rivers”, International Conference on Data Management,Analytics and Innovation,Jan 2018.
- Prachal Agarwal, Archit garg, Aroshi Singhal and Rachna , “Comparative Performance Analysis and Modified RSA Algorithm, 4th International Conference on computing for sustainable GlobalDevelopment[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 01-03, India 2017.
- Satinder Singh Saini, Tarun Singh, Siddharth Jain and Rachna Jain , “Comparison of Various Authentication Techniques in Cloud Computing, 4th International Conference on computing for sustainable GlobalDevelopment[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 01-03, India 2017.
- Rishabh Choudhary, Vipul Kanojia, Akshay Satt and Rachna Jain,” Banking System using Partial Homomorphic Encryption Schemes”, , 4th International Conference on computing for sustainable GlobalDevelopment[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 01-03, India 2017.
- Krishna Sehgal, Sanchit Goel, Rachna jain,”Facial Expression Recognition for Motor Impaired Users” International Conference on Recent Development in Science, Engineering and Technology. Data Science and Analytics. Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 799. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8527-7_11, pp: 116-125.
- Jatin Sokhal, Bindu Garg, Shubham Aggarwal, Rachna Jain, “Classification of EEG Signals Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Lifting Wavelet Transforms” ,IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication And Automation[ICCCA-2017]May,2017.
- Harlieen Bindra, Bindu Garg, Rachna Jain, “Application of Clustering Techniques to determine the improvement in Water Quality of 17 Selected Indian Rivers ” , Business Process Re-engineering for Sustainability and climate change: Issues & Perspectives” Scheduled on February 26,2017 at Convention Center, JNU, New Delhi.
- Aishwarya Kaul,sheoli Tuli,Rachna jain, “Combining encryption and stego object processing: A new direction in cloud security” in CSI BIG 2014
- Shubhi , Aashna, Rachna jain , ” Sentiment analysis of e-commerce and social networking sites “, 3rd International Conference on computing for sustainable Global Development[INDIACOM], Published by IEEE Explore Digital Library, March 16-18, India 2016(IEEE Conference ID:37465).
- NarinaThakur, Rachna Jain and Siddharth Gupta, “Lattice Secret Sharing” in 3rd IEEE International Conference on computer modeling and simulation (ICCMS2011), ISBN: 978-1-4244-9241-1, from 7th jan 2011-9th jan 2011, Mumbai, India.
National Conference:
- Rachna Jain and Narina Thakur, “Auto Radio News Reader Using SAPI & VB. NET”, 2nd National Conference on computing for nation development Feb8-9 INDIAcom 2008.
- Rachna Jain, Anamika and Seema, “Computer Aided Process Planning For Manufacturing”, National level Seminar on Robotics and Automation.
Chapter Publication:
1. Ashish kumar, Rachna jain, Dr. Sushila Madan, “Securing transactions and payment systems for mobile commerce”, Book title: Security risks of mobile commerce,doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0236-4.ch014 , june(2016), IGI Global Publisher.
2. Rachna jain, Anubhav Singh, Bhavya Sharma, “Cloud Security”, Book title: Instant Guide to Cloud Computing, BPB Publication. [Accepted]
3. Rachna Jain, Somya Goel, Shivam Bachhety, “Introduction to Cloud Computing”, Book title: Instant Guide to Cloud Computing, BPB Publication. [Accepted]
4. Dr. Anand Nayyar, Rachna Jain, Anubhav Singh, “Cyber Security challenges for Smart Cities”,Book title: Driving the Development, Management, and Sustainability of Cognitive Cities, IGI Global Publisher. [Accepted]
5. Rachna Jain, Nikita Jain and Dr. Anand Nayyar,”Security and Privacy in social Networks: Data and Structural Anonymity.[Accepted]
Seminar/Conference/FDP/Workshop Attended
- Participated in two day AICTE Sponsored National Level Seminar on “Information Technology: Software Reliability” At N.C. College of Engineering Israna(Panipat) from 9th Feb 2016 – 10th Feb 2007.
- Participated in three day Workshop on “DB2 9 Fundamentals” from 14th May 2008 to 16th May 2008 organized by IBM at MAIT Campus, New Delhi.
- Completed Two Weeks (60 Hours) Course on “ASP.NET and XML” from CMC Academy, New Delhi in May 2011.
- Participated in a Two Day Faculty development program on “Envisioning Enterpreneurship and Novel Research Methodology” At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 20th Sep 2013 – 21th Sep 2013.
- Participated in a one Day National Seminar on “New Frontiers in Computer Science” at Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi on 28th Sep 2013.
- Attended one day Training Program on “Cloud Computing” organized by Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) at Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi on 16th Nov, 2013.
- Participated in a Five Day Faculty development program on “Recent Trends in Big Data and Cloud Computing” At Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, New Delhi from 16th Dec 2013 – 20th Dec 2013.
- Co-ordinated and Participated in a one Day workshop on “Cloud Computing” by Cybertech Global Learning Solutions at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi , New Delhi on 25th Jan 2014.
- Participated in one day Workshop on “Web Intelligence and Big Data in Hadoop Ecosystem” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, on 18th Feb 2014.
- Attended an Event Connect (Delhi) on “SharePoint and Cloud” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi, on 25th April 2015.
- Contributed towards CSC COIN Program at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from Aug 2014 – July 2015.
- Co-ordinated and Participated in a one Week Faculty development program on “Current Trends in Cyber and Cloud Security” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 10th Feb 2016 – 15th Feb 2016.
- Participated in one Week AICTE Recognized Short Term Course on “Vulnerability Assessment of Networks & Web Applications” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 29th Feb 2016 – 5th Mar 2016.
- Completed Two Weeks (80 Hours) Training program on “Cloud Computing Technologies” from VMDD Technologies, New Delhi in May 2016.
- Contributed towards CSC COIN Program at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from Aug 2015 – June2016.
- Co-ordinated and Participated in a one Week Faculty development program on “Data Sciences & Machine Learning” At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 7th Nov 2016 – 12th Nov 2016.
- Participated in one week Faculty development program on “ Latest Trends and Research in Machine Learning” organized by BVIMR Campus, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi from 12th Dec 2016 – 17th Dec 2016.
- Participated in two day Workshop on “Machine Learning and Data Mining Using R Tool” Conducted by Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology from 23rd Feb 2017 to 24th Feb 2017.
- Co-ordinated and Participated two day Workshop on “Machine Learning Using Python and R-Tool” from 14thMarch 2017 to 15thMarch 2017 at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi.
- Participated and Co-ordinated in a one Day Faculty development program on “Networking Simulation using NetSim Software” with Dellsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi on 17th April 2017.
- Participated in a one Week Faculty development program on “Machine Learning & its Application in Real World” at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 17th Apr 2017 – 21th Apr 2017.
- Completed One Week Training program on “Cloud Computing with Node.js” from VMDD Technologies, New Delhi from 11th May 2017 – 18th May 2017.
- Participated in one week Faculty development program on “ Data and Text Analytics Using R” organized by Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi from 29th May 2017 – 3rd June 2017.
- Organized a Hackathon on 10th Oct-11th Oct, 2017.
- Co-ordinated in Inaugration ceremony in BVEST on 11th Oct, 2017.
- Co-ordinated and Participated in a Five Day Faculty development program on “Deep Learning for Image & Text Analysis with Python” At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 27th Nov 2017 – 1st Dec 2017.
- Co-ordinated and Participated in a Two day Faculty development program on “Cyber Crime & Security” At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 11th Dec 2017 – 12th Dec 2017.
- Received certification of appreciation and First Prize in Inter College B.tech Major Project Competition-2017 for mentoring the student on the project entitled “Classification of EEG signals using Novel Algorithm for channel Selection and feature extraction “.
- Participated in five days Faculty development program on “ Data Sciences and its Research Challenges” organized by Lingaya’s University, Faridabad(haryana) from 1st Jan 2018 – 5th Jan 2018.
- Participated in one day Faculty development program on “Python Programming” organized by Brain Mentors Pvt. Ltd at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering on 9th Jan 2018.
- Co-convened and Participated in a Research conclave on “Methodology of research paper writing and latex” on 26th Feb 2018.
- Participated in five days Faculty development program on “Soft computing techniques using Matlab”, by NITTR At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 5th-9th March, 2018.
- Co-ordinated and Participated in a Five Day Faculty development program on “Network simulator NS3: simulation for network protocols” in association with IETE At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 23rd-27th april, 2018.
- Participated in a Five Day Faculty development program on “Emerging trends in Image and Text analytics using Machine Learning” At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 21st May-25th May 2018.
- Presented Project Title: Design an autonomous intelligent drone for city surveillance. As Co-PI in Programme Advisory & Monitoring Committee(PAMC) meeting held on 9-10 March,2018 at Lovely Professional University(LPU),Jalandhar.
- Participated as Session Chair in International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication, on 5-6 May 2018.
- Participated in a Five Day FDP on “Internet of Things for emerging Engineering Applications” At Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi from 23rd July-27th July 2018.
- Co-convenor of Hackathon on 28-29 Sep, 2018.
- Participated in five days Faculty development program on “Next Generation Wireless Technologies”, by NITTR, Chandigarh At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 26th-30th Nov, 2018.
- Participated in five days Faculty development program on “Deep Learning and its Techniques”, At Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, New Delhi from 25thFeb-1st Mar, 2019.