S. No. Faculty name Paper Title Doi Indexing No of Citation
1 Mr Harsh Taneja A Radical Approach for Trust Management in Smart City Applications Development http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/6149 SCOPUS 0
2 Preeti Nagrath Data augmentation based morphological classification of galaxies using deep convolutional neural network, Earth Science Informatics https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-019-00434-8 SCI 22
3 Preeti Nagrath Text extraction from Natural Scene Images using OpenCV and CNN 10.5815/ijitcs.2019.09.06 Google scholar 2
4 Preeti Nagrath Sentiment Analysis Using Gated Recurrent Neural Networks. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-020-0076-y ESCI 31
5 Preeti Nagrath  Anticipation of Heart Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms Optimised By Feature Optimisation. http://jmdet.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/9.pdf Google scholar 0
6 Vishal Sharma Overcoming the Security Shortcomings Between Open vs Switch and Network Controller https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0426-6_15 SCOPUS 0
7 Rachna Jain Paraphrase Identification using Collaborative Adversarial Networks 10.3233/JIFS-191933 SCIE 37
8 Rachna Jain GAN-Poser: An Improvised Bidirectional GAN Model for Human Motion Prediction https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-020-04941-4 SCIE 16
9 Rachna Jain Deep Refinement: capsule network with attention mechanism-based system for text classification https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04620-z SCIE 32
10 Rachna Jain, Preeti Nagrath Pneumonia Detection in chest X-ray images using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108046 SCIE 111
11 Rachna Jain,Nikita Jain Assessing risk in life insurance using ensemble learning 10.3233/JIFS-190078 SCIE 21
12 Rachna Jain,Nikita Jain A Modified Fuzzy Logic Relation-Based Approach for Electricity Consumption Forecasting in India SCIE 1
13 Dr. Jolly Parikh Technologies Assisting the Paradigm Shift from 4G to 5G,  10.1007/s11277-020-07053-3 SCIE 18
14 Nikita Jain Cell Image Analysis for Malaria Detection using Deep Neural Networks 10.3233/IDT-190079 ESCI, SCOPUS,  7
15 Dr. Narina Thakur A Novel Multi-Parameter Tuned Optimizer for Information Retrieval Based on Particle Swarm Optimization 10.35940/ijrte.C4455.098319 SCOPUS  1
16 Dr. Narina Thakur Comparative Analysis Of Ranking Functions For Retrieving Information From Medical Repository 10.22452/mjcs.vol32no1.2 SCOPUS  3
17 Dr. Narina Thakur Simulation and Performance Analysis of Tilted Time Window and Support Vector Machine based Learning Object Ranking Method 10.2174/2213111607666190215120017 SCOPUS  0
18 Gargi Mishra A robust multi-level sparse classifier with multi-modal feature extraction for face recognition 10.1504/IJAPR.2019.10026060 ESCI 2
19 Gargi Mishra Constrained L1-optimal sparse representation technique for face recognition https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2020.106232 SCIE 8
20 Gargi Mishra A robust two quadrant sparse classifier for partially occluded face image recognition https://doi.org/10.1080/09720529.2020.1726079 SCOPUS 3
21 Gargi Mishra Optimal load transfer and transformer parameter monitoring using fuzzy logic https://doi.org/10.1080/02522667.2020.1723223 ESCI 1
22 Gargi Mishra Partial Occlusion Handling using Quadrant-wise Sparsity for Face Image Recognition 10.23919/INDIACom49435.2020.9083680 SCOPUS 0
23 Deepika Kumar AiCNNs (Artificially-integrated Convolutional Neural Networks) for Brain Tumor Prediction https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.12-2-2019.161976 SCOPUS 7
24 Deepika Kumar Detecting Pneumonia Using Convolutions and Dynamic Capsule Routing for Chest X-ray Images https://doi.org/10.3390/s20041068 SCIE 95
25 Deepika Kumar Classification of Fake News by Fine-tuning Deep Bidirectional Transformers based Language Model https://doi.org/10.4108/eai.13-7-2018.163973 ESCI 22
26 Deepika Kumar Video Caption Based Searching Using End-to-End Dense Captioning and Sentence Embeddings https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12060992 SCIE 4
27 Varun Srivastava Classification of CT Scan Images of Lungs Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with External Shape-Based Features https://doi.org/10.1007/s10278-019-00245-9 SCI 14
28 Rachna Jain Adoption of Fog Computing in Healthcare 4.0 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46197-3_1 19
29 Nikita Jain, Rachna Jain Smart Homes and Offices 10.4018/978-1-6684-3694-3.ch034 0
30 Rachna Jain, Nikita Jain Security and Privacy in Social Networks: Data and Structural Anonymity 10.1007/978-3-030-22277-2_11 15
31 Rachna Jain Smart Roads and Parking 10.4018/978-1-5225-9246-4.ch011 0
32 Rachna Jain IoT-Based Green Building: Towards an Energy-Efficient Future  


33 Rachna Jain Intelligent Data Analysis with Data Mining:Theory and Applications https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119544487.ch4 0
34 Dr. Jolly Parikh Millimeter Waves: Technological Component for Next-Generation Mobile Networks 10.1007/978-3-319-91002-4_7 6