An Analog Electronics II Laboratory at Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of engineering, New Delhi campus helps the students to design and implement circuits with linear ICs and to gain knowledge on performance of circuits and its applications. The laboratory provides facilities for hardware and software implementation of circuits, which helps the students to build strong foundation on linear circuit designing.
Objective of the Laboratory
- To understand the basic concepts of operational amplifier circuits.
- To design linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifier and 555 timer ICs.
- To provide hands on experience in simulating various circuits and verifying their performance before hardware implementation.
- To provide hands on experience in assembling and testing of hardware circuits under the laboratory conditions using power sources and measuring instruments.
Simulation Facilities: PSpice simulation tool:
Hardware implementation Facilities: Dual power supplies, Function generators.
Measurement Facilities: DSOs and multimeters.
- Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Saji M Antony
- Other Faculty Users: Dr. Monica Gupta
- Lab Technician: Mr. Rajesh
Lab Manual: –