
A Digital Logic and Computer Design Lab Laboratory of the ECE Department lays the strong foundation for understanding, designing and implementing digital circuits starting from a gate level to a simple digital system, also it helps the students to develop their knowledge of processor (8085) architecture and the programming skills. This helps the students to convert the basic ideas into an actual working prototype. The lab provides facilities for software simulation using the state-of-the-art tool and hardware implementation on digital trainer kit.

Objective of the Laboratory

  • Ability to understand Boolean Algebra and Design Combinational Circuits.
  • Ability to understand and Design Sequential Circuits.
  • Ability to understand Design of a basic computer.
  • Ability to understand Input-Output and Memory Organization of a Computer.


Simulation Facilities:  GNUsim8085, Logisim

Hardware implementation Facilities: Breadboards, Scientech 2611 kits, ICs.


  • Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Jyoti Gupta
  • Other Faculty Users: Dr. Manoj Sharma, Dr. Deepak Gangwar, Dr. Yogita Arora, Mr. Rajiv Nehra
  • Lab Technician: Mr. Rajesh Shukla