
The focus of the Embedded System Laboratory at Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of engineering, New Delhi campus is the study of microcontroller and interfacing modules. Students would get deeper knowledge in these areas and could apply these concept for various practical applications.

 Objectives of the Laboratory

  • To understand the basics of microcontroller and interfacing modules. 
  • To learn program in assembly language for microcontroller in Keil software.
  • To  design and analyze interfacing of 8 LEDs, LCD, ADC and seven segment display etc. with microcontroller.
  • To implement knowledge of interfacing in the design of embedded system.


Software tools: KEIL

Hardware kits: Universal Embedded Trainer Kit


  • Faculty Coordinator: Mr. Bhawanand Jha
  • Other Faculty Users: Dr. Rubeena Vohra
  • Lab Technician: Mr. Amit