Computer Networks Lab

Lab Incharge : Mr. Arun Dubey

Lab Attendant:  Mr. Vijay Jadhav

This Lab is prepared for students to Implement Data Structures Algorithms in C/C++  Programs . The lab is well equipped with Computer systems , printers and networking facility.

Software Installed: Turbo C/C++ software and Windows 7  

List of Experiments

Subject :Data Structures Lab

1. Perform Linear Search and Binary Search on an array.Description of programs:

a. Read an array of type integer.

b. Input element from user for searching.

c. Search the element by passing the array to a function and then returning the position of the element from the function else return -1 if the element is not found.

d. Display the position where the element has been found.

2. Implement sparse matrix using array. Description of program:

a. Read a 2D array from the user.

b. Store it in the sparse matrix form, use array of structures.

c. Print the final array.

3. Create a linked list with nodes having information about a student and perform

I. Insert a new node at specified position.

II. Delete of a node with the roll number of student specified.

III. Reversal of that linked list.

4. Create doubly linked list with nodes having information about an employee and perform Insertion at front of doubly linked list and perform deletion at end of that doubly linked list.

5. Create circular linked list having information about an college and perform Insertion at front perform Deletion at end.

6. Create a stack and perform Pop, Push, Traverse operations on the stack using Linear Linked list.

7. Create a Linear Queue using Linked List and implement different operations such as Insert, Delete, and Display the queue elements.

8. Create a Binary Tree (Display using Graphics) perform Tree traversals (Preorder, Postorder, Inorder) using the concept of recursion.

9. Implement insertion, deletion and display (inorder, preorder and postorder) on binary search tree with the information in the tree about the details of a automobile (type, company, year of make).

10. To implement Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Bubble sort, Bucket sort, Radix sort, Shell sort, Selection sort, Heap sort and Exchange sort using array as a data structure.

Text Books:

[T1]    R. F. Gilberg, and B. A. Forouzan, “Data structures: A Pseudocode approach with C”, Thomson Learning.

[T2]    A .V. Aho, J . E . Hopcroft, J . D . Ulman “Data Structures and Algorithm”, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

[R1]    S. Sahni and E. Horowitz, “Data Structures”, Galgotia Publications.

[R2]    Tanenbaum: “Data Structures using C”, Pearson/PHI.

[R3]    T .H . Cormen, C . E . Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms”, PHI/Pearson.

[R4]    A.K.Sharma, “Data Structures”, Pearson

[R5]          Ellis  Horowitz  and Sartaz Sahani “Fundamentals of Computer  Algorithms”, Computer     Science Press.

Data communication & networks Lab

  1. PC to PC Communication
  2. Parallel Communication using 8 bit parallel cable & Serial communication using RS 232C
  3. Ethernet LAN protocol
  4. To create scenario and study the performance of CSMA/CD protocol through Simulation
  5. To create scenario and study the performance of token bus and token ring protocols through simulation
  6. To create scenario and study the performance of network with CSMA / CA protocol and compare with CSMA/CD protocols.
  7. Implementation and study of stop and wait protocol
  8. Implementation and study of Go back-N and selective repeat protocols
  9. Implementation of distance vector routing algorithm
  10. Implementation of Link state routing algorithm