Lab Incharge : Mr. Achin Jain
Lab Attendant: Mr. Suraj Thorat
Subjects: Computer Graphics And Multimedia Lab
This Lab is prepared for students to perform experiments of Web Engineering and OOPS with C++. The lab is well equipped with upgraded Computer systems and software’s such as Turbo C++, Eclipse and Java.
Software Installed: Turbo C/C++, JAVA and Blender.
List of Experiments: Web Engineering
1. To Create a web page with the following using HTML
i. To embed an image map in a web page
ii. To fix the hot spots
iii. Show all the related information when the hot spots are clicked.
2. To create a HTML page using types of Cascading Style Sheet.
3. To write a java script program that performs form validation
4. To Write a Program in JAVASCRIPT:
i. Display Current Date & Time
ii. To Create Online Exam
5. To write a program to invoke Servlet from HTML form
6. To write an online Examination using JSP with three tier architectures
7. Write a program using XML-Schema-XSLT/XSL
8. Write a program using DOM to display the items of XML document
9. Write a program to display the elements of a XML document using SAX
List of Experiments: OOPS with C++
1. Write a program for multiplication of two matrices using OOP.
2. Write a program to perform addition of two complex numbers using constructor overloading. The first constructor which takes no argument is used to create objects which are not initialized, second which takes one argument is used to initialize real and imag parts to equal values and third which takes two argument is used to initialized real and imag to two different values.
3. Write a program to find the greatest of two given numbers in two different classes using friend function.
4. Implement a class string containing the following functions:
– Overload + operator to carry out the concatenation of strings.
– Overload = operator to carry out string copy.
– Overload <= operator to carry out the comparison of strings.
– Function to display the length of a string.
– Function tolower( ) to convert upper case letters to lower case.
– Function toupper( ) to convert lower case letters to upper case.
5. Create a class called LIST with two pure virtual function store() and retrieve().To store a value call store and to retrieve call retrieve function. Derive two classes stack and queue from it and override store and retrieve.
6. Write a program to define the function template for calculating the square of given numbers with different data types.
7. Write a program to demonstrate the use of special functions, constructor and destructor in the class template. The program is used to find the bigger of two entered numbers.
8. Write a program to perform the deletion of white spaces such as horizontal tab, vertical tab, space ,line feed ,new line and carriage return from a text file and store the contents of the file without the white spaces on another file.
9. Write a program to read the class object of student info such as name , age ,sex ,height and weight from the keyboard and to store them on a specified file using read() and write() functions. Again the same file is opened for reading and displaying the contents of the file on the screen.
10. Write a program to raise an exception if any attempt is made to refer to an element whose index is beyond the array size.
List of Experiments ( CGMM )
1. Study of Fundamental Graphics Functions.
2. Implementation of Line drawing algorithm
a)DDA Algorithm
b)Bresenham’s Algorithm
3. Implementation of Circle drawing algorithm
a)Bresenham’s Algorithm
b)Mid Point Algorithm
4. Program on 2D transformation
a) Rotation b) Scaling c) Shearing
5. Program on 3D transformation
a)Rotation b) Scaling c) Translation
6. Write a program to implement Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm
7. Write a program to draw Bezier Curve.
8. Using Blender perform rotation, scaling, translation of objects.
9. Create a Bouncing Ball using Key Frame Animation and Path Animation using Blender.
10. Create a Fan (revolving) using Blender Software.
Text Books:
[T1] Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C version”, Second Edition, Pearson Education.
[T2] Ralf Steinmetz & Klara Nahrstedt, “Multimedia Computing Communication & Applications”, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:
[R1] C, Foley, VanDam, Feiner and Hughes, “Computer Graphics Principles & practice”, 2nd Edition
[R2] R. Plastock and G. Kalley, Schaum‟s Series, “Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition.
[R3] Fred Halsall, “Multimedia Communications Applications, Networks, Protocols & Standards”, Pearson Education.
[R4] David F. Rogers, “Procedural elements for computer graphics”, McGraw- Hill.
List of experiment ( Object-oriented programming)
- Write a program for multiplication of two matrices using OOP.
- Write a program to perform addition of two complex numbers using constructor overloading.The first constructor which takes no argument is used to create objects which are not initialized, second which takes one argument is used to initialize real and image parts to equal values and third which takes two argument is used to initialized real and image to two different values.
- Write a program to find the greatest of two given numbers in two different classes using friend function.
- Implement a class string containing the following functions:
- – Overload + operator to carry out the concatenation of strings.
- – Overload = operator to carry out string copy.
- – Overload <= operator to carry out the comparison of strings.
- – Function to display the length of a string.
- – Function tolower( ) to convert upper case letters to lower case.
- – Function toupper( ) to convert lower case letters to upper case.
- Create a class called LIST with two pure virtual function store() and retrieve().To store a value call store and to retrieve call retrieve function. Derive two classes stack and queue from it and override store and retrieve.
- Write a program to define the function template for calculating the square of given numbers with different data types.
- Write a program to demonstrate the use of special functions, constructor and destructor in the class template. The program is used to find the bigger of two entered numbers.
- Write a program to perform the deletion of white spaces such as horizontal tab, vertical tab, space ,line feed ,new line and carriage return from a text file and store the contents of the file without the white spaces on another file.
- Write a program to read the class object of student info such as name , age ,sex ,height and weight from the keyboard and to store them on a specified file using read() and write() functions. Again the same file is opened for reading and displaying the contents of the file on the screen.
- Write a program to raise an exception if any attempt is made to refer to an element whose index is beyond the array size.